Emma Ruth Rundle - US

Sublime and ethereal, Emma Ruth Rundle reveals a voice full of emotion in cathartic laments of overwhelming intimacy.
After 15 years of running from one project to the next, sawing abrasive chords in post-rock bands or lighting up gothic folk albums with her voice, Emma Ruth Rundle seems to have finally stopped with a fourth breathtaking album, Engine of Hell (2021). With eight minimalist, glowing songs, featuring raw combinations of guitar or piano and heartrending vocals, she polishes her past traumas, like so many refined jewels, revealing a deep, crystalline beauty. The tracks evoke the rebellious affliction of PJ Harvey, a touch of Radiohead-like tormented melancholy, and also the mercurial emotion of Tori Amos. Austere and sublime, the American’s work enshrouds our hearts with tender darkness.
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