Antigel blows a fuse
Sat, 5 February 2022
19H00 - (Doors: 18H30)
Bureau des Autos
Sat, 5 February 2022
21H00 - (Doors: 20H30)
Bureau des Autos

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How about celebrating the drums by letting off steam on doom metal before smashing up a car? A sacrificial ritual where you’ll celebrate the beat in ‘rage room’ mode.
At the Service Cantonal des Véhicules in Carouge, people usually service cars or patiently learn to drive them. This time, in one of the depots, Antigel will clang together everything you wouldn’t imagine in such a place: scrunching metal, edgy bodies, and feverish heavy tempos as if to summon the storm and the crumpling of metal sheets that are mistreated as in J.G. Ballard’s Crash, but with the added humour, smoke and leaden groove! Thrown into this industrial space where extremes are unabashedly celebrated, spirits inevitably heat up, slide towards a frenzy and exult intensely during a grand finale that is all about release and destruction.
Dress warmly !
Bar & snacks
Collaboration: EPI-Espace de Pratique Instrumentale
Artists : Béatrice Graf, Bernard Trontin, Alex Muller Ramirez, Clément Grin, Eva Lambillon, Fabio Zoppelli, Joachim Ciocca, L’ÉPI, Mario Torchio, Furioza
Musicians kids : Elliott Pollard Morclett, Axel Hertenstein, Achille Spichiger, Gaspard Vedovati
Synthesizer : Stéphane Augsburger
Music : Sunfast - Bernard Trontin, Alexandre Muller, Eric Linder
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